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Climate, Average Weather of Germany ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 94.7% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with significant precipitation in all seasons (Cf), 5.3% has a alpine/ highland climate (H).

🧜 Of the population, 96.1% live in a temperate/ mesothermal climate with significant precipitation in all seasons (Cf), 3.9% live in a alpine/ highland climate (H).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Schleswig54°32'N9°33'E43 (141)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (46)925 (36)
Helgoland54°11'N7°53'E51 (167)Cfb-9 (48)731 (29)
Rostock54°11'N12°5'E13 (42)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (47)591 (23)
Hamburg-Fuhlsbuttel53°38'N9°59'E15 (49)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)768 (30)
Hamburg53°38'N10°0'E22 (72)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)716 (28)
Neustrelitz53°21'N13°5'E64 (210)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (47)553 (22)
Berlin52°28'N13°18'E70 (230)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)591 (23)
Hannover52°28'N9°41'E59 (195)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)655 (26)
Potsdam52°23'N13°4'E100 (327)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)585 (23)
Lindenberg52°13'N14°7'E104 (341)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (47)564 (22)
Magdeburg52°7'N11°35'E79 (259)CfbCool temperate steppe9 (49)513 (20)
Münster51°58'N7°37'E66 (217)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (49)719 (28)
Brocken51°48'N10°37'E1142 (3747)DfcCool temperate wet forest3 (37)1395 (55)
Essen51°24'N6°58'E150 (491)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (49)933 (37)
Leipzig51°24'N12°24'E135 (443)CfbCool temperate steppe9 (49)595 (23)
Kassel51°18'N9°27'E232 (760)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (47)698 (27)
Gorlitz51°10'N14°57'E240 (786)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (47)657 (26)
Dresden51°8'N13°46'E129 (423)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (49)680 (27)
Erfurt50°59'N10°58'E315 (1033)CfbCool temperate wet forest9 (47)520 (20)
Cologne50°58'N6°58'E91 (299)CfbCool temperate moist forest11 (51)708 (28)
Fichtelberg50°26'N12°57'E1215 (3985)DfcCool temperate wet forest3 (37)1118 (44)
Frankfurt Am Main50°7'N8°39'E103 (338)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (51)676 (27)
Geisenheim49°59'N7°57'E111 (365)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (50)549 (22)
Trier-Petrisberg49°45'N6°40'E273 (896)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)784 (31)
Nurnberg49°30'N11°3'E318 (1042)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)645 (25)
Nuremberg49°30'N11°6'E319 (1047)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (47)693 (27)
Karlsruhe49°0'N8°24'E114 (374)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (50)769 (30)
Stuttgart48°46'N9°11'E315 (1033)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (49)689 (27)
Munich48°21'N11°49'E447 (1465)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (46)805 (32)
Hohenpeißenberg, Bavaria47°48'N11°1'E986 (3233)CfbCool temperate wet forest7 (44)1211 (48)
Konstanz47°41'N9°11'E444 (1458)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (49)849 (33)
Zugspitze47°25'N10°59'E2960 (9712)ETBoreal wet forest-5 (23)2004 (79)
 Germany Average51°6'N10°31'E335 (1099)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (47)778 (31)
