> > Guyana

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Climate, Average Weather of Guyana ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 78.9% has a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 21.1% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw).

🧜 Of the population, 95.9% live in a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 4.1% live in a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Georgetown6°48'N58°9'W2 (7)AfTropical moist forest27 (80)2260 (89)
Timehri6°30'N58°15'W30 (98)AfTropical moist forest25 (78)2450 (96)
 Guyana Average6°39'N58°12'W16 (52)AfTropical moist forest26 (79)2355 (93)
