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Climate, Average Weather of Iraq ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 9.9% has a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS), 84.2% has a arid/ desert climate (BW), 1.7% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry summers (Cs), 4.2% has a alpine/ highland climate (H).

🧜 Of the population, 12.9% live in a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS), 80% live in a arid/ desert climate (BW), 1.8% live in a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry summers (Cs), 5.2% live in a alpine/ highland climate (H).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Baghdad33°14'N44°14'E34 (112)BWhSubtropical desert23 (73)156 (6)
Basra30°34'N47°47'E2 (7)BWhSubtropical desert scrub24 (76)161 (6)
 Iraq Average31°53'N46°0'E18 (59)BWh-24 (74)159 (6)
