⛺ Kuala Terengganu has a tropical wet climate (Köppen-Geiger classification: Af) with no dry or cold season as it is constantly moist (year-round rainfall).
🌡️ The mean temperature is 26.7 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit). See the temperatures page for a monthly breakdown and the fixed scale graph.
🐬 Average monthly temperatures vary by 3 °C (5.4°F). This indicates that the continentality type is hyperoceanic, subtype truly hyperoceanic.
☔ Total annual precipitation averages 2911 mm (114.6 inches) which is equivalent to 2911 Litres/m² (71.4 Gallons/ft²).
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✨ The longest day of the year is 12:18 long on the 22 of June and the shortest day is 11:41 long on the 21 of December.
🌞 On average there are 2412 hours of sunshine per year. Visit the sunshine and daylight section to check monthly details including how high in the sky the sun reaches each month.
🐇Were you to burrow down through the centre of the Earth from Kuala Terengganu you would pop up nearest to the climate station at Moyobamba, Peru where you would find a Tropical monsoonal climate (Subtropical moist forest biome).
🌍Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia is at 5°19'N, 103°4'E, 32 m (105 ft). Check the location on the map.