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> > Namibia

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Climate, Average Weather of Namibia ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 0% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 63.6% has a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS), 36.4% has a arid/ desert climate (BW).

🧜 Of the population, 89.9% live in a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS), 10.1% live in a arid/ desert climate (BW).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Rundu, Kavango17°55'S19°46'E1102 (3615)BShSubtropical dry forest22 (72)576 (23)
Windhoek22°34'S17°6'E1728 (5669)BShSubtropical thorn woodland19 (67)370 (15)
Walvis Bay/ Pelican Point22°53'S14°26'E7 (23)BWk-17 (62)23 (1)
Keetmanshoop26°32'S18°7'E1064 (3491)BWhSubtropical desert21 (70)138 (5)
 Namibia Average22°28'S17°21'E975 (3200)BSh-20 (68)277 (11)

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