> > Niger

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Climate, Average Weather of Niger ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 20.1% has a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS), 79.9% has a arid/ desert climate (BW).

🧜 Of the population, 89% live in a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS), 11% live in a arid/ desert climate (BW).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Bilma18°41'N12°55'E357 (1171)BWhTropical desert27 (80)12 (0)
Agadez16°58'N7°59'E502 (1647)BWhSubtropical desert scrub28 (83)111 (4)
Tahoua14°54'N5°15'E391 (1283)BWhTropical thorn woodland29 (84)365 (14)
N’Guigmi14°15'N13°7'E286 (938)BWhTropical desert scrub28 (82)188 (7)
Tillabery14°12'N1°27'E210 (689)BWhTropical very dry forest30 (86)398 (16)
Birni N’Konni13°48'N5°15'E273 (896)BShTropical very dry forest29 (84)478 (19)
Zinder13°47'N8°59'E453 (1486)BWhTropical very dry forest28 (83)411 (16)
Niamey13°29'N2°10'E227 (745)BShTropical very dry forest29 (85)541 (21)
Maradi13°28'N7°5'E373 (1224)BShTropical very dry forest27 (81)492 (19)
Maine Soroa13°14'N11°59'E337 (1106)BWhTropical very dry forest28 (83)343 (13)
Magaria13°0'N8°54'E360 (1181)BShTropical very dry forest27 (81)518 (20)
Gaya11°53'N3°27'E203 (666)BShTropical dry forest29 (84)797 (31)
 Niger Average14°18'N7°22'E331 (1086)BWhTropical very dry forest28 (83)388 (15)
