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> > Peru

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Climate, Average Weather of Peru ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 41.1% has a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 4.8% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 11.8% has a arid/ desert climate (BW), 8.6% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry winters (Cw), 33.7% has a alpine/ highland climate (H).

🧜 Of the population, 6.7% live in a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 6.2% live in a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 46.8% live in a arid/ desert climate (BW), 1.2% live in a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry winters (Cw), 39.2% live in a alpine/ highland climate (H).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Iquitos3°47'S73°18'W126 (413)AfTropical moist forest27 (80)2878 (113)
Piura5°12'S80°36'W55 (180)BWhSubtropical desert scrub25 (76)116 (5)
Yurimaguas5°53'S76°7'W184 (604)AfTropical moist forest27 (80)2072 (82)
Moyobamba6°1'S76°57'W833 (2733)AmSubtropical moist forest23 (73)1344 (53)
Chachapoyas6°12'S77°51'W2540 (8333)CfbSubtropical moist forest15 (58)811 (32)
Tarapoto6°30'S76°22'W282 (925)AmTropical moist forest26 (78)1162 (46)
Chiclayo6°47'S79°49'W30 (98)BWhSubtropical desert22 (72)27 (1)
Cajamarca7°8'S78°28'W2621 (8599)CwbWarm temperate dry forest14 (57)715 (28)
Trujillo8°5'S79°6'W30 (98)BWh-19 (67)4 (0)
Chimbote9°8'S78°31'W27 (89)BWh-20 (68)12 (0)
Huanuco9°52'S76°12'W1860 (6102)BShWarm temperate wet forest19 (67)354 (14)
Lima12°1'S77°7'W13 (43)BWh-20 (68)6 (0)
Puerto Maldonado12°36'S69°13'W201 (659)AmTropical dry forest25 (77)2167 (85)
Cuzco13°32'S71°56'W3249 (10659)CwbCool temperate moist forest12 (54)737 (29)
Pisco13°44'S76°13'W7 (23)BWhWarm temperate desert20 (68)2 (0)
San Juan De Marcona15°22'S75°9'W60 (197)BWhWarm temperate desert20 (67)5 (0)
Juliaca15°28'S70°9'W3827 (12556)CwbCool temperate moist forest8 (47)609 (24)
Arequipa16°20'S71°34'W2539 (8330)BWkCool temperate desert15 (58)97 (4)
Tacna18°3'S70°16'W469 (1539)BWhWarm temperate desert18 (65)29 (1)
 Peru Average10°5'S75°31'W998 (3273)BWhTropical moist forest20 (67)692 (27)

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