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Climate, Average Weather of Philippines ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 92.6% has a tropical monsoon climate (Am), 7.4% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw).

🧜 Of the population, 96.5% live in a tropical monsoon climate (Am), 3.5% live in a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Basco20°27'N121°58'E11 (36)Af-26 (79)2848 (112)
Aparri, Luzon18°22'N121°38'E3 (10)AmTropical moist forest27 (80)2233 (88)
Daguaan City16°5'N120°21'E2 (7)AmTropical moist forest28 (82)2426 (96)
Manila, Luzon14°35'N120°59'E18 (59)AwTropical moist forest28 (82)2061 (81)
Naia, Mai (Pasay City)14°30'N121°0'E15 (49)AwTropical moist forest27 (81)1877 (74)
Legaspi13°9'N123°44'E17 (56)AfSubtropical wet forest27 (81)3330 (131)
Tacloban City11°14'N125°1'E3 (10)AfSubtropical wet forest27 (81)2293 (90)
Iloilo10°43'N122°33'E8 (26)AwTropical moist forest28 (82)1954 (77)
Mactan10°19'N123°59'E24 (79)AwTropical dry forest28 (83)1260 (50)
Surigao, Mindanao9°47'N125°29'E55 (180)Af-27 (81)3086 (122)
Puerto Princesa, Palawan9°45'N118°44'E16 (52)AwTropical moist forest27 (81)1607 (63)
Zamboanga City6°55'N122°4'E6 (20)Aw-28 (82)1067 (42)
Zamboanga, Mindanao6°54'N122°4'E6 (20)Aw-27 (80)1226 (48)
 Philippines Average12°31'N122°16'E14 (46)AwTropical moist forest27 (81)2097 (83)
