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Climate, Average Weather of Uk ⛅

🏞 Of the land area, 100% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with significant precipitation in all seasons (Cf).

🧜 Of the population, 100% live in a temperate/ mesothermal climate with significant precipitation in all seasons (Cf).

LocationLat.Long.Alt. m(ft)ClimateBiomeAv. Temp.Precip.
Lerwick, Shetland Islands60°9'N1°10'W82 (269)Cfb-7 (45)1003 (39)
Orkney Islands58°57'N2°54'W26 (85)Cfb-8 (47)948 (37)
Stornoway, Outer Hebridies58°13'N6°19'W15 (49)Cfb-8 (46)1173 (46)
Kinloss57°39'N3°34'W5 (16)Cfb-8 (47)623 (25)
Aberdeen, Scotland57°12'N2°12'W65 (213)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (46)784 (31)
Dalwhinnie, Scotland56°56'N4°14'W359 (1178)CfbBoreal rain forest6 (43)1217 (48)
Tiree56°30'N6°53'W9 (30)Cfb-9 (48)1172 (46)
Edinburgh, Scotland55°55'N3°11'W35 (115)CfbCool temperate moist forest8 (47)668 (26)
Glasgow, Scotland55°52'N4°24'W6 (20)CfbCool temperate wet forest9 (48)1109 (44)
Eskdalemuir, Scotland55°19'N3°12'W236 (774)CfbCool temperate wet forest7 (45)1538 (61)
Ballykelly, Northern Ireland55°4'N7°1'W1 (3)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (49)865 (34)
Tynemouth, England55°1'N1°25'W33 (108)Cfb-9 (49)650 (26)
Belfast-Aldergrove54°40'N6°14'W63 (207)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)860 (34)
Belfast, Northern Ireland54°39'N6°13'W80 (262)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)846 (33)
Leeming54°18'N1°32'W33 (108)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)609 (24)
Douglas, Isle Of Man54°10'N4°28'W87 (285)Cfb-10 (49)1139 (45)
Hull, England53°45'N0°16'W2 (7)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (50)642 (25)
Manchester, England53°23'N2°18'W75 (246)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (49)810 (32)
Valley53°15'N4°32'W10 (33)Cfb-10 (50)843 (33)
Waddington53°11'N0°31'W69 (226)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (48)604 (24)
Birmingham, England52°29'N1°56'W99 (325)CfbWarm temperate dry forest9 (48)660 (26)
Aberystwyth, Wales52°25'N4°3'W138 (453)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (49)1051 (41)
Aberporth52°8'N4°34'W133 (436)Cfb-9 (49)836 (33)
Felixstowe, England51°57'N1°20'E5 (16)Cfb-10 (51)527 (21)
Lyneham51°30'N2°0'W145 (476)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (49)709 (28)
London, England51°28'N0°19'W5 (16)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (51)594 (23)
Cardiff, Wales51°30'N3°10'W65 (213)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (49)961 (38)
Manston51°21'N1°20'E49 (161)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (50)570 (22)
London-Gatwick51°12'N0°12'W59 (194)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (49)754 (30)
Brighton, England50°49'N0°8'W5 (16)CfbCool temperate moist forest11 (51)801 (32)
Bournemouth-Hurn50°47'N1°50'W10 (33)CfbCool temperate moist forest10 (50)789 (31)
Plymouth, England50°21'N4°7'W51 (166)Cfb-11 (51)982 (39)
St. Mary’S, Isles Of Scilly49°56'N6°18'W50 (164)Cfb-12 (53)844 (33)
Jersey49°13'N2°12'W84 (276)Cfb-11 (52)880 (35)
 Uk Average53°51'N2°58'W64 (211)CfbCool temperate moist forest9 (49)855 (34)
